WV GEIICC Membership

Who Are Our Members?
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) identifies the membership categories of each state's ICC. Membership includes representatives from:
- parents of children with special needs,
- public or private providers of early intervention services,
- members of state agencies involved in the provision of, or payment for, early intervention services
- State Department of Education personnel responsible for preschool services to children with disabilities,
- Head Start,
- State Legislators,
- University or college system,
- child care,
- parents, and
- other members selected by the Governor.
The parents on the ICC bring their real life experience to the table and those who provide the services provide expertise on how systems work and how to accomplish the tasks of the ICC. Working together as a team makes the ICC an asset in the planning and advocacy for a statewide coordinated and comprehensive system of services and supports in early intervention.
Becoming A Member?
When positions are open on the WV GEIICC, notification is sent to stakeholders across the state. Council membership is determined by one of several processes.
Individuals interested in joining in the work of the Council, can nominate themselves for open seats, or nominate others for membership.
The Governor makes most of the appointments for a three-year term. He/She fills open positions in one of several categories: parent members, provider members, and general public members.
Legislative leadership decides who will fill the two legislative positions.
State Agency leadership determines whether they will serve or who will serve as their designee(s).​
If you would like additional information, contact the ICC by email or calling 304-972-9348.